It's been almost two months since our dear friend, Jenni B, passed away. She passed Sunday evening on August 15th after a long battle with cancer. Her family was around her and a group of friends from church were able to gather and worship and pray with her in the final moments before she passed.
Jen hadn't been able to join us for over a year at GLO or at Warehouse as her physical health deteriorated each month. We made many attempts to visit with her and bring Warehouse to her over the months; some of these visits worked out and produced lasting memories for those of us given the opportunity to fellowship with her and her mother, Sharon. Many of our plans did not work out as she was sleeping or sick or not up for visitors.
Jen-Kha was a servant to the end - one of our last visits as a GLO group to see her in the hospital in July had her telling us about ministering to a patient in the room next to hers - a mother with terminal brain cancer and 3 young children at home. Jen was always on the lookout for how she could serve others and how she could show them His Light. Even when she was struggling herself.
We had the opportunity to be a friend to her and of her and serve alongside her and learn. Jesus showed up in some amazing ways this summer. As we embraced the idea of breaking bread together, praying and worshipping and seeing God show up, He did. He showed up and He moved in our lives, the Bloch's lives, and in ways that won't be revealed to us for a long, long time. He taught us about waiting and about asking in faith and about worshipping in the face of the confusing and about loving and serving together and about letting go of control. He is the one who heals, not us and our amazing prayers.
Her service on Tuesday night was a testimony to her life. Her mother was so moved by God that she spoke compelling all to heed the call of Christ to be fishers of people wherever we are and passionately desire to do so. To seek Him and be filled with His Light so that wherever we go, others see that light.
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